Monday, September 13, 2010

A Woman of Charity: Stephanie Nielson

In my search for uplifting things to post, I came across this incredible sister, Stephanie Nielson.  Wow!  She is truly a woman of Charity.  I will let her words tell her amazing story:  CLICK HERE

Click on the "I Read Nie Nie" button at bottom of this blog to link to her blog.


  1. What a powerful example of living in truth when it would be so easy to fall into the realm of illusion. I love the truths she lives and has here shared. Among them: "Beauty and Motherhood are one." And, how she prays, receives instructions and does it! The Lord is always close - in suffering we seem to step closer to Him. I love His promise of "my Spirit in your heart, my angels round about." Thanks for the reminder, Anne and Stephanie.

  2. What an amazing inspiration this beautiful mother is! It has truly made me think about things differently this morning. Thank you for sharing! I love all the examples that I have around me to help me see and know things I didn't before. The words spoken at the end rang so much truth I cried. All wonderful things. Thank you!

  3. Its like they say, true beauty is in the inside not the outside. And Stephanie really showed that. And for those out there who think they are beautiful in the outside, ask yourself this question: Am I also as beautiful in the inside?
