Thursday, September 23, 2010

Kindness Challenge

Kindness = one of the traits of Charity.

We find ourselves doing kind things all the time.
What if for 1 week we each make a special effort to do at least one (1)

Remember:  When you are feeling down or crummy, performing an act of kindness acts as a healing balm and gives YOU needed strength.  This healing balm comes from the Savior as Charity is the pure love of Christ. See how being Charitable not only blesses those we serve ... it blesses us as well (if not more).


  1. I accept your challenge and commit to eagerly and conscientiously search for opportunities to be kind this week.

    Also, I very much appreciated your statement (during recent youth workshop) about speaking only if the words are KIND, true, and necessary. Such good advice. Thank you for all your kindness to me last week.

  2. Thanks for the challenge, I'll take you up on that. Just yesterday an opportunity presented itself and I took advantage of helping my brother fix his car. It's usually the other way around, It was fun! Can't wait to look forward to the next opportunity, great or small.

  3. OK...sounds like a plan. I could use some "healing balm". Bring it on :)
